I want to stalk you...
if I eat your brain, will I become like you or will I become you. Oh, B&W Drama Theatre saved my life...
I want to stalk you...
if I eat your brain, will I become like you or will I become you. Oh, B&W Drama Theatre saved my life...
i think you'd probably just get sick
(if you were to eat my brain, that is)
Why don't stickmen destroy the clocks?
Sticks could easily kill the clocks because the clocks have no hands and the sticks have nija powers and can shoot mind bullets at the clocks and the clocks would die and die and not live anymore....I think I peed urine in my elastic waist gonad support device.
Violent stick animations are the reason that Newgrounds exists! If any animations are submitted in any other form than stick man or, God forbid, stick woman then it should be immediately rejected and sent to Shockwave or some other site no one cares about. Sticks must die for my amusement!
Clocks are sad!
They make me pee urine, and brush my bum with horse hair tickle whips. How can I become a clock actor so I can get low scoring movies that somehow end up on the daily top five? Should clocks have arms? I <feelings for> B&W Drama Theatre more than this, fer sure!
I haven't stopped eating brill cream since...
I was in a continuously spiralling pit of dispare and gloom. The world was a terrifyingly colourful piece of dreary flatulence and just as I was chewing down on my second handful of amitriptyline, I happened to click on an NG link to B&W Drama Theater. Then the light dawned on me! The world isn't the many different colour madness provider I thought it was. It's grey!! Grey!!! GREY DAMMIT! I'M FREEEEEE! Thank you AlantheBOX. You currently encompass all of my erotic nightmares!
Thank you....
Alex, it is rare that I ever review a movie on Newgrounds because I believe if you can't say anything nice (or intelligible), don't bother typing. You're lack of violence and sex impressed me. You're use of thought and creativity made this my favourite Newground submission of all time. Congradulations! You put a smile on my face.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than ripping a candy from the throat of a Disney character.
None of Your Business Universi
Joined on 4/29/01